Grocery Solutions - LED Lighting Solutions | SloanLED



We put you in the express lane to a brilliant bottom line.

Make a fresh choice with top shelf lighting solutions that not only put your products and facility in the right light, but also put you in the express lane to energy savings and faster ROI!

Your customers expect fresh food and produce at excellent prices, and the only way meet consumer demands is by investing in state-of-the-art LED lighting solutions with consistent color quality that bring out the vibrant color of produce; brilliant, uniform lighting that highlights products from the top shelf all the way down to the bottom shelf.

SloanLED is your partner every step of the way with energy-efficient, sign, outdoor/indoor, and refrigerated display lighting solutions with exceptional energy savings, low maintenance and high-speed ROI, so you can concentrate on your customers and leave the lighting to us.

Your customers expect fresh food and produce at excellent prices, and the only way meet consumer demands is by investing in state-of-the-art LED lighting solutions with consistent color quality that bring out the vibrant color of produce; brilliant, uniform lighting that highlights products from the top shelf all the way down to the bottom shelf.

SloanLED is your partner every step of the way with energy-efficient, sign, outdoor/indoor, and refrigerated display lighting solutions with exceptional energy savings, low maintenance and high-speed ROI, so you can concentrate on your customers and leave the lighting to us.